Розробки уроків

 6 клас
Тема уроку: Їжа
·         активізувати лексику теми;
·          продовжувати навчати сприймати на слух інформацію під час прослуховування;
·         вдосконалювати техніку читання;
·         повторити граматичний матеріал: Present, Past, Future Simple Tenses;
·         розвивати комунікативні вміння учнів;
·         розвивати пам'ять, увагу, здатність до здогадки;
·         розвивати культуру усного мовлення;
·         зацікавлювати до вивчення англійської мови.
Обладнання: yкраїнськіта  британські прапорці для об’єднання учнів в групи картки із зображенням  їжі,  картки для  групової роботи, ноутбук, запис пісні I like Food ”, запис пісні-фізкультхвилинки   ‘ Do you like.?‘’,.
Тип уроку: урок-подорож, урок систематизації та узагальнення вивченого матеріалу.
Хід уроку
I. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення
1. Привітання
Т: Good morning, children! Nice to see you!  Our today's lesson will be unusual. We have guests at the classroom.  In our lesson we' ll have an interest guest too.  Let's start our lesson today!
Ps: відповідають віршем:
Good morning to you! (2p)
We are all in our places,
With sunshine faces,
Good morning to you
We are glad to see you.
2. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.
a) Game “Robin Bobin”
T: Look at the blackboard. Our today's guest is Robin Bobin. He likes to eat a lot. Listen to the song and say: ”What  does he eat?” and then  go to the blackboard and tick the food  what he eats?
T: Let's sing the song together. You have words on the blackboard.
b) Game “Загублене словосполучення”. 
T: Find the parts of the word combinations: pack and food.
1) a pound of                      a) butter
2) a loaf of                          b) milk
3) a bar of                           c) jam     
4) a pack of                         d) cheese
5) a carton of                      e) chocolate
6) a box of                          f) bread
7) a  jar of                          g) sweets 
8) a bunch of                      h) rice
9) a bag of                         i) grapes 
 II. Основна частина уроку
1. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку
Т:  Children, you played the game and sang a song. Ask what topic of our lesson today?
P: The topic of our lesson today is…
T: Yes, today we are going to travel to the country “ Food And Drinks” and our topic is “ Our Food Is Good!” We discuss what do you like to eat. Besides, you'll remember the vocabulary on the topic “Food and Drinks” and practice  in it. You'll develop your reading, listening and speaking skills. Also you'll revise some grammar material and compare traditional Britain and Ukrainian food.
2. Аудіювання
1) Pre-Listening
T: Our first stop is listening.  Listen to the text  and say what about it?
                                                         Full English Breakfast
In England you may have what they call “full English breakfast”. First they bring you cereal and fruit juice, then you get bacon, eggs and tomatoes. Then comes toast and marmalade. You finish your breakfast with a cup of coffee or  tea usually with milk.
In fact English people don’t have “full English breakfast”. They have just one of these things with a cup of tea or coffee. Sometimes they call it “continental breakfast”.
2) While-Listening
T: Listen to the text again. 
3) Post-Listening
T: Agree or disagree with statements:
ž     First English have cereal and fruit juice for breakfast.
ž    Then you bring fish, chips and vegetable salad.
ž    They finish your breakfast with a glass of juice.
ž    English people like drink tea or coffee.
ž    In fact English don’t have “full English breakfast”.
ž    Sometimes they call breakfast “ hot breakfast”.
3.Повторення й активізація лексичного матеріалу
2) Group Work
T: You like many dishes. Do you like to buy it?  Imagine you are  in the shop and you'll buy  tasties.  Complete the parts of the dialogues in the right order and act it in the rolls.? Let's start. 
Billy: Have you got any sweets on sale?
Shop-assistant: Sorry, I haven't. I have got some cookies and cakes. Would you like some?
Billy: Yes, please. Could I have this cake?
Shop-assistant: Of, course. Anything else?
Bill: No, that's all, thanks.
4. Фізкультхвилинка
T: Pupils, you work very hard and it's right time to relax a little bit and do some exercises and sing a song.
SongDo You Like..?”
5. Подання тексту для читання
1) Pre-Reading Activity
T: We'll move to the next stop. It's reading. Open your books on page 70, exercise 3. You are to read the text and fill in the gaps with necessary words. But at first let's read the words at the blackboard, at the your textbooks, then write them  on your  vocabularies.
2) Reading
T: Read the text.
3) Post-Reading Activity
T: OK, children, our next task is for group:
1st group: find in the text different kinds of food and drinks;
2d group: Agree or disagree with statements.
6. a) Game “ Коробка з сюрпризом
T: I have a box of sweets, but my sweets are unusual. It is interest.  One pupil of each group come to me and take your sweet.
   1) Name a fruit that is always sour.
It is yellow on the inside and outside.
Adults like to drink tea with it.
(Answer: LEMON)

2)     Name a fruit that
starts with “A”.
It is white on the inside and can be
red, yellow, or green on the outside.
It grows on a big tree.
Children like it.
 (Answer: APPLE)
3)      It’s the same color as its name.
(Answer: ORANGE)
4)     Clean, but not water,
White, but not snow,
Sweet, but not ice-cream,
What is it?
(Answer: SUGAR
5)     It is round, with sausage,
tomato and cheese on top.
(Answer:  PIZZA)
6)     You smile when you name it.
The mouse likes it very much.
(Answer: CHEESE)
7)     It’s white outside,
and yellow inside.
We have it from chicken.
(Answer: EGG)
7. Повторення граматичного матеріалу Present, Past and Future Simple.
T; Our next stop is grammar spot. You'll have papers with the task. First look at the slide with grammar and remember/
Read and circle the correct answer to complete the sentences.
1)    Father sometimes____________.
a)     is eating borshch                               b) was eating borshch                              c) eats borshch
2)    Taras and Borys ____________ breakfast.
a)     have                                                   b) had                                                      c) are having
3)    Next week our family _____________ to the Cooking Festival.
a)     will go                                               b) shall go                                                 c) are going
4)    The boys _________ chicken  with rice.
a)     like                                                   b) likes                                                      c) will  like
5)    I ________ noodle soup.
a)     doesn't like                                         b) don'tlike                                     c) am not liking
6)    They always _________cereal, toasts and drink  a glass of milk.
    a ) eats                                                      b) eat                                                          c) are eating
7.  Розвиток умінь мовлення
a) T: The next stop is  speaking.
You are Ukrainians and British. Please, go to the blackboard  and find pictures with your traditional food. Then make up 4-5 sentences about traditional food in your country.  You have 3 minutes.
b)     Game “Microphone”.
T: Pupils, do you  like to eat? Robin asked you what he likes to eat. But ask what is your favourite dish?
My favourite dish is….
III. Заключна частина уроку
1)    Домашнє завдання

 I) to make up a story about eating habits in England or Ukraine
2)    Підведення підсумків уроку
T: Dear pupils, answer my question, please:
What did we do at the lesson?
 Ps: We acted out dialogues;
      we sang songs;
      we listened the text;
      we read the text;
      we did exercises and revised grammar.

 Well, children. It was a great and interesting job. You've done a lot of useful activities. All of   you were very active and have got good marks. 

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